“Liel Gerafe had no room for sadness in his life,” declared Boys Town Jerusalem Dean of Students Rabbi Meir Linchner. “He lived his life with joy to help others.”

Liel was murdered by Hamas terrorists
At the outbreak of the recent Israeli war, 19-year-old Liel and his two first cousins were visiting in Israel’s south when Hamas terrorists attacked. Missing for several days, their mutilated bodies were finally identified among the dead.
Liel was a CAE student
Liel Gerafe began his studies at Boys Town Jerusalem in seventh grade. Following his BTJ High School graduation last summer, he enrolled in the school’s College of Applied Engineering in September.
Liel was loved by everyone
“Liel was well-loved by his classmates from the day he entered Boys Town,” shared instructor Rabbi Amos Daiken. “He was a young man full of life.” Rabbi Linchner noted that Liel lived in Moshav Eshtaol, outside of Jerusalem. His father works as a bus driver, and his mother is a teacher’s aide.
“Through the years that Liel studied at Boys Town Jerusalem, both his inner strength and his confidence grew. He was a good friend to his classmates, always seeking to help others. Most important, Liel enjoyed life and helped bring happiness to all he encountered.
Liel’s love of life will remain with us forever
“There was no room for sadness in Liel’s life,” the rabbi emphasized. “His tragic, inconceivable murder has come as a terrible blow. Yet the intense light that Liel shared throughout his life will continue to shine within us.”
May the memory of Liel Gerafe’s great happiness and intense love of life continue to bring light now, and for generations to come.